
Yesterday, due to seeing the 便利貼, I joined comicomi.
便利貼 is very interesting. A person who is very good at 便利貼 can make a lot of things by it.
I think 便利貼 is more interesting and useful than the comment system of niconico.
In niconico, you can just put your comment in steady area. But in comicomi, you can put 便利貼 in watever you want.

Return to the title (Mmm...do I have a title?) .
Yesterday, since seeing others said Super Mario and if Super 倉頡 would appear, I used 便利貼 to make a box which has question mark and a tool in which a flower monster is.

Yeah, like what you see, it is things in super Mario.
Doing this is very tiring but interesting.



小提示:留言時,可以使用粗體(<b>)、斜體(<i>)、超連結(<a href="網址"> </a>)。另外,以「名稱/網址」留言時,網址可以留空的。