(・´ω`・) <q> 這個特別的 tag

我先前在Mozilla的Bugzilla中回報了一個 Bug
這個 Bug 簡單說就是在 Firefox、Seamonkey這些瀏覽器中,<q>這個 tag 的顯示不正常。

之後根據回覆者的回覆,才知道其實這問題老早就有人在 Bugzilla 上回報了。
也因為這樣,我才知道 <q> 這 tag 所顯示的引號其實有很多討論點。

I think this is a duplicate of the WONTFIX bug 16206.  And I really don't think we should do this unless somebody is writing a *spec* for the entirety of the values and multiple browsers are agreeing to implement that spec, and there's substantial review agreeing that the spec is correct.

That said, I think the <q> element is a misfeature and the XHTML2 <quote> design (where the author provided the quotation marks) was superior.
David Baron
Comment 9
從這回覆來看,其實 <q> 的各語言樣式並沒有正式規範
雖然 webkit ,甚至已經沒在使用的 Trident 都有設置,但那都不是 W3C 正式規範。

Even if we think the way <q> works isn't a great design, given that both webkit and blink already implement localized open/close quotation marks, depending on the lang attribute (e.g. see example in bug 1560311 comment 3, which displays with various localized marks in both Safari and Chrome), I think we should do the same for better interoperability.
Regarding a spec, there's a clear source of data available in CLDR; we should simply use that.
One question regarding mapping the lang attribute: AFAICT, this would mean that an element with lang=xx gets a new initial value for quotes, overriding any inherited value for the property. So a document like
<div style="quotes: '<' '>';">
    <div lang="ja">Japanese <q>quotes</q></div>
would render Japanese quote marks. Is that correct? Is it desirable, or should the explicit quotes property on the parent <div> inherit "through" the presence of the lang attribute and continue to apply to the <q> within the lang=ja content?
Or is there a way we can map the lang attribute to a quotes value only if it has not been explicitly set by an ancestor?
Jonathan Kew
COmment 11
照這留言的例子,究竟應該以 <div> 的樣式(即使用 <>)為主?還是 <div lang="ja"> 的樣式(即使用「『』」)呢?

div            {quotes: "<" ">"}
div q:lang(ja) {quotes: "«" "»"}

最後還有該文的第 12 個回覆……
原來 WHATWG 早就有撰寫各語言的默認 quotes style 表啊……那我還想說要自己撰寫……
不過現在 W3C 到底有沒有在管 HTML ?
看 WHATWG的維基條目的內容,好像現在轉交給WHATWG來管理的樣子……?



小提示:留言時,可以使用粗體(<b>)、斜體(<i>)、超連結(<a href="網址"> </a>)。另外,以「名稱/網址」留言時,網址可以留空的。