(☍﹏°)/~~ 掰掰~Google Code

說是要關閉Google Code

Earlier today, Google announced we will be turning down Google Code Project Hosting. The service started in 2006 with the goal of providing a scalable and reliable way of hosting open source projects. Since that time, millions of people have contributed to open source projects hosted on the site.

But a lot has changed since 2006. In the past nine years, many other options for hosting open source projects have popped up, along with vibrant communities of developers. It’s time to recognize that Google Code’s mission to provide open source projects a home has been accomplished by others, such as GitHub and Bitbucket.

We will be shutting down Google Code over the coming months. Starting today, the site will no longer accept new projects, but will remain functionally unchanged until August 2015. After that, project data will be read-only. Early next year, the site will shut down, but project data will be available for download in an archive format.

As the owner of the following projects, you have several options for migrating your data.
  • js-animation-without-jquery
  • washizu-mahjong
  • paginate-blogger-posts

The simplest option would be to use the Google Code Exporter, a new tool that will allow you to export your projects directly to GitHub. Alternatively, we have documentation on how to migrate to other services — GitHub, Bitbucket, and SourceForge — manually.

For more information, please see the Google Open Source blog or contact google-code-shutdown@google.com.

-The Google Code team

Google Inc. 1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043You have received this mandatory email service announcement to update you about important changes to Google Code Project Hosting.
我本身其實還蠻喜歡Google Code的,最開始會接觸也是因為Google Buzz。Google Buzz因為他提供的java api之類的都放在Google Code(buzz-java-client)。

  1. js-animation-without-jquery
  2. washizu-mahjong
  3. paginate-blogger-posts

上面三個project,第一個是因為想嘗試一些不用jQuery寫出其中一些特效或是其中一些插件的特效;第二個則是目前仍在寫(因為懶、畫圖、寫其他有的沒的、玩遊戲……等理由而更新慢)的project,主要是因為《アカギ》這部漫畫的影響,再加上chrome沒有麻將的app,想寫個麻將遊戲;第三個就是因為Blogger Dummies的分頁功能不滿意,所以乾脆自己寫一個了,目前還想加功能,不過和washizu-mahjong,問題就是自己懶。

本身就是因為有G帳號,方便所以就直接用Google Code的,不過現在該是考慮搬家了,Google提供搬家到GitHub、Bitbucket、SourceForge的功能,不過不曉得哪個有提供svn的……

只能說,這幾年來也辛苦你了,Google Code……



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