・゚(ノд`゚) 弔念(喂喂,人家還沒走啦)Google Buzz

R・I・P Google Buzz

因為看到了Google Buzz Team的Buzz,才知道這個雖然沒多久,但好歹陪我一段時間的mini blog要離開了,還是蠻傷感的……

Going Buzz - 昨天 上午9:13 -
- 公開
So, this is the end, my Friends.

... and the baddest way we could imagine: frozen in the last Profile's tab.
And so we, Going Buzz, have become totally useless and we'll have to vanish in a short time.

Google+ is NOT Buzz! From far! Only one media per post, no Reader, blog or other links and a totally different uses and feel. For strategic reasons, Google's chosen to please the facebook market: games, the most simple posting, a dedicated site (page). But it gave not real transition from one platform to the other, as a merging option or tool.

Last, Google team thank us a lot for our feedback but has disabled comments on that announce as they became too negative. That's so ambiguous!

I ( François Bacconnet ) will move on but will always keep in mind all the interactions I had with that tool and have special thoughts for the great people I came to meet here.

Today we announced our plans to retire Google Buzz along with some other products. Many of you anticipated that we would retire Buzz, so this shouldn’t come as a huge surprise, but we want to thank all of you for providing your feedback along the way.

While Google Buzz will be going away in a few weeks, your posts are yours to keep. You can view them on your Google Profile or you can download them using Google Takeout. See https://mail.google.com/support/bin/answer.py?hl=en&answer=1698228 for more info.

This will probably be our last post, so thank you for using Google Buzz and hopefully we'll see most of you on Google+. If you're curious to read more from someone closely involved in the creation of Buzz, check out Bradley Horowitz's post here:https://plus.google.com/u/0/113116318008017777871/posts/WjNHiWiZtYR.
A fall sweep. 10/14/2011 10:03:00 AM. We aspire to build great products that really change people's lives, products they use two or three times a day. To succeed you need real focus and thought—th...


反正我一開始就是自嗨者,所以Google Buzz反而更方便……


是說,我已經把buzz備份下來了,問題是要如何把備份檔給google +啊?



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