┐(´д`)┌  Being police is so tired and not easy...

Yeah, yesterday I went to see the firework of New Year's Eve. What I want to say is about waiting the bus.
The bus I needed to take is 130, 140. At the bus station, due to the event, polices came to control the traffic. Also, they splited the station let each area only some buses can stop. For instance, bus 130 only can stop at the area A... etc.
However, some drivers did not know the rule. The bus 130 and 140 should park at the front of the station by the rule. Since some buses had already parked there, they only can stopped at the back of the station which means a lot of people could not catch their bus at the right place. Also, lots of buses parked at the front of the station which made buses 130 and 140 parked at the back. It happened lots of times and made us waited on the station for about 45 minutes.
Waiting made people lose temperance. Some started to argue with police. Some said police had lied.
Sigh... Being police is so hard. You need to meet masses who may lose temperance. Sometimes, they also need to handle the drunks. Those are difficult to be controlled. 



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