"o(-_-;*) 最近要準備考駕照筆試了……英文啊……悩ましい~~~

Vehicle C & Vehicle D are facing give way signs and must give way to Vehicles A and B. Vehicle A must give way to Vehicle B as Vehicle A is turning across Vehicle B's path. Vehicle A is only required to give way to vehicle B.
As vehicles A and D are both turning right Vehicle D does not affect Vehicle A. When you face a give way sign at an intersection you must give way to vehicles approaching or entering the intersection. Vehicle A is facing a give way sign and must give way to vehicles B and C.

If you are turning right at an intersection, you must give way to vehicles from the opposite direction. Vehicle A must give way to Vehicles B and C. Vehicle D is turning right and therefore does not affect Vehicle A.

This is an advisory sign. The sign is advising that you are approaching an area where trucks maybe crossing or entering.

This sign means that if the truck is turning you must not overtake or pass the vehicle unless it is safe to do so, therefore, you should allow the truck to complete its turn first before you turn.

This sign means that vehicles are not allowed to stop on this section of road during the times and days indicated on the sign, however, buses and taxis are permitted to pick up and set down passengers.

You must not block or partly block an intersection. You must wait until the light is green and the intersection is clear of traffic.

A car should drive at least 2 seconds behind the vehicle in front in ideal conditions.

When changing lanes you must give a change of direction signal. When you change lanes you must give way to any vehicle in the other lane.

If you are approaching a school bus displaying yellow flashing lights, you should slow down and watch out for children.

You must give way to all vehicles and pedestrians when leaving private property to enter a road.
If you want to move off from the side of the road, you must signal for at least 5 seconds before moving from a parked position. You must also give way to any vehicles travelling on the road.




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